
This blog is intended as a tool for reflections and support as a group of colleagues undertake a Spring in2it programme.

10 weeks of improving our health and fitness.
Core goals:
5+ servings of fruit and veg per day
8 glasses of water per day
30 minutes of exercise per day

"You are in pretty good shape for the shape you are in" Dr Suess

Monday, September 26, 2011

week whatever ... progress is being made

Thin person by thekirbster
 Aiming for this look and level of fitness. Well! I was very pleased the scales told me I lost 1.3 kg last week over just a week. I was inspired by the Health Foods weight loss plan and suggested menus which arrived in the post with the latest magazine. The Healthy Foods website has lots of online Tools to use to help with weight loss.

I had made a serious attempt to reduce the kilojoules by cutting down on servings of fruit, and replacing them with the 'lower energy' veges such as lots of salad greens, celery, pepppers, tomatoes and sprouts. I have also been sticking to more lower energy fruits - blueberries in porridge and smoothies, and oranges. Cutting down on the high starch veges has also helped, and making sure crackers are at a minimum even ryvita and rice crackers, and even less bread than usual - one slice a week if I am lucky. I am trying to stick to a higher protein, low GI and lower carb intake with tons of salad greens and the low energy salad stuff and green veges. So far so good it appears to be working - tomorrow will be the real motivator if the weight is still coming off. I am aiming for 62 Kg by the end of the year. Wine has hardly touched my lips recently but then I hardly drink it anyway....makes all the joints go creaky.

Oh and the newest fad in our house - 30 minutes of Ashtanga yoga - the gentler version - every morning. It was a killer on the first working day once the clocks went forward.

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